The AJW Approach

The foundation of the Accelerated JoyWorks experience has been built out of the core existence that lives within us all-JOY.

Connection + Clarity + Knowledge + Identification + Exploration + Awareness + Conscious Communication + Utilization + Adaptation = The AJW Approach

The Accelerated JoyWorks connection is born during our very first interaction.  As conversation begins to open up, a picture is drawn allowing subtle details of your life to come to the surface.

Over time we will co-create a pathway of trust so that your unique needs, fears, and desires may be fully identified and explored.  As our working relationship deepens both conscious and unconscious perceptions about people, genders, and how they impact your relationships are delicately brought into awareness.

Defining your present level of communication skills is the next step.  Both verbal and non-verbal expressions are examined in this segment of self-discovery.  As I support you in developing these skills the gateway to freedom is unlocked, giving the opportunity to accelerate to living your relationships out loud, in bright, warm, healthy colors.

Accelerated JoyWorks utilizes a wide variety of principles, tools, and supporting products making it intimately specific to each individual.  The optimal result of fully embracing your AJW Experience and newly learned ways of living, being, and loving is a life of tranquility, happiness, and JOY.

Upcoming Presentations
One hour presentations to help you find pathways to joyous relationships.

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