Connection + Clarity + Knowledge + Identification + Exploration
+ Awareness + Conscious Communication + Utilization + Adaptation = The AJW Approach
My name is Tiffany M. Bastedo LPN, Relationship Coach, and I’m delighted that you have found your way to Accelerated Joy Works. Welcome!
Are you ready to begin your journey towards a balanced, meaningful, life filled with joy?
My journey began more than 25 years ago when I found my calling as an old school nurse. I continue to serve today as a nurse for the veterans in my community at my local VA Hospital. I didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to find a second calling; however, relationship coaching found me in 2013 and Accelerated JoyWorks was born.
There are many pathways to creating and developing healthy, holistic, and emotionally intimate relationships. Couples counseling, traditional psychotherapists, counselors all have value. There is no one size fits all pathway.
Accelerated JoyWorks can assist you in, first and foremost, building a relationship with yourself. The quality of the relationship you have with yourself informs every other relationship in our life whether platonic, familial, or romantic. After all, happiness is an inside job, right?
Just as important is knowing when the time is right to seek support. Rather than waiting until there is friction with your friend, disconnect with your family, or contention in your romantic relationships why not seek out support sooner, when things are smaller? When we tackle things at the beginning, when they are just a small spark, they don’t grow in to a wild fire blazing out of control.
Here at Accelerated JoyWorks I can provide for each and every unique need, large or small. We will address and enhance things that are already working in a relationship and identify what isn’t working while rebuilding trust, communication, and intimacy.
Many people fall in to one of several categories:
· Having difficulty loving themselves.
· Having challenges deeply knowing themselves, their wants and desires, and how to manifest that in life.
· Experiencing challenges connecting with others.
· Having difficulty finding lasting love.
· Experiencing challenges while navigating the path of a new relationship.
· Experiencing difficulty maintaining or enhancing lifelong love in a present relationship.
· Processing the loss of a relationship.
· Experiencing challenges navigating healthy relationships after toxicity or abuse.
Reasons to book a session include:
· Determined to accelerate joy in to your life.
· You want to create a deeply emotionally intimate relationship with yourself.
· You have an inkling that what society has taught us about love may be incorrect.
· Seeking forward movement in your current relationship.
· You are already in a good relationship but you are seeking a deeper connection.
· Feeling uncomfortable about putting yourself out there for a new relationship.
· You’ve outgrown traditional counseling.
· You desire direction and inspiration to live life joyfully with a love partner.
· You want to feel the joy of knowing every day that you are loved.
Every relationship, including the one you have with yourself, is different; therefore, your AJW Experience is created and developed for you, your needs, and your relationship.
I am devoted to supporting others in finding their way to intimacy with self, others, their work, and life in general. Bottom line, I found what I love and now do what I love.

I look forward to connecting with you when the time is right.